Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
The ACFE administers the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential, which denotes proven expertise in fraud prevention, detection, deterrence and investigation. Members with the CFE credential experience career growth and quickly position themselves as leaders in the global anti-fraud community. CFEs around the world help protect the global economy by uncovering fraud and implementing processes to prevent fraud from occurring in the first place.
Are you eligible to be certified?
Your eligibility to be certified is based upon a point system, which awards credit for education and experience.
All candidates certified by exam must have a minimum of two years professional experience and 50 points
Note: If your total qualifying points total 40 or above, you may apply for the CFE Exam, but all applicants must have 50 or more points and two years of professional experience to become certified.
CFE Exam Review Course
This instructor-led course will help you master the concepts tested on the CFE Exam:
Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes — tests your comprehension of the types of fraudulent financial transactions incurred in accounting records. To pass Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes, you will be required to demonstrate knowledge of the following concepts: basic accounting and auditing theory, fraud schemes, internal controls to deter fraud and other auditing and accounting matters.
Law — ensures your familiarity with the many legal ramifications of conducting fraud examinations, including criminal and civil law, rules of evidence, rights of the accused and accuser, and expert witness matters.
Investigation — includes questions about interviewing, taking statements, obtaining information from public records, tracing illicit transactions, evaluating deception and report writing.
Fraud Prevention & Deterrence — tests your understanding of why people commit fraud and ways to prevent it. Topics covered in this section include crime causation, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud prevention, fraud risk assessment, and the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.
The registration fee covers 4 - days of training facilitated by ACFE Authorized Trainers plus: (32 CPEs)
1. One year Associate membership - Become a member of ACFE and gain access to timely and practical information including Fraud Magazine, monthly member newsletters, free quarterly webinars, videos, tools and resources to support your anti-fraud efforts.
2. CFE Exam Application fee.
3. Retakes at discounted price.
4. Access to all the knowledge and tools necessary to pass the exam.
This includes the:
CFE Exam Prep Course: This comprehensive tool is a computer self-study course that includes study questions and practice exams.
Flashcard App: Familiarize yourself with the terminology and concepts covered on the exam with an app consisting of 900 flashcards that complement the CFE Exam Prep Course,
Fraud Examiners Manual: The Fraud Examiners Manual (pdf) is a 1,900-page guide exploring examination techniques and procedures,
Exclusive Course material prepared by the ACFE:
Workbook: This study guide offers a breakdown of the key points and foundational concepts found in the 4 sections of the exam.
Slide book
Online Exam: Virtually or at a Prometric Test Center